Top 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Gamble

We’ve established that the Bible does not contain any specific references to gambling or wagering at casinos, whether online or offline. But, would it be sinning if you would indulge now and then? Even just a little?

In this post we uncover seven reasons why you, as a Christian, should not be gambling at all. If you’ve ever had any doubts about the matter, we hope to clear it up here.

1. You’ll Damage Your Testimony

As Christians, we are representatives of God on earth. If we partake in any scandalous or sinful behavior, our testimony would be irrevocably damaged. While we are here, we should act as representatives of our savior and warn people against the perils of gambling.

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2. It’s a Selfish Activity

The act of gambling makes you lose track of time, and you only focus on one thing, money. It is clear what the Bible says about money, and wanting more money and more importantly, greed. By gambling you are acting selfishly for your benefit.

3. You Can Become Addicted

One of the many dangers of gambling is of course problem gambling, or gambling addiction. It is a very real problem and has even led to divorce, suicide and more unthinkable heinous acts. To refrain from addiction, it’s best to leave it be and not gamble at all.

4. It Leads to Divorce

Yes, those who are addicted to gambling will say that it cost or could have cost them their marriage. Gambling is an evil activity run by evil people who are set out to ruin you and your loved one’s lives. For you to remain a tool for God’s purpose, don’t gamble at all.

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5. You Won’t Worship God

The Bible states that we have to worship and glorify God. By gambling, we are not doing that at all. We are acting selfishly with our own needs as motivation and no intention to glorify God. We need to glorify God in everything that we do, and that includes hobbies.

6. You Won’t Win

As we’ve mentioned in an earlier post, the majority of casino operators rig games to ensure that they don’t lose too much money. Your chances of winning are slim, and is completely based on luck. Have you ever seen a wealthy gambler? Probably not, but you know of wealthy casinos, don’t you?

7. Gambling Takes Away Your Purpose

Our purpose on earth is to be a steward of God, to care for the earth and our fellow human beings. Gambling does not allow for this purpose at all, and leaves us focusing on our selfish desires. Using the money, we’ve earned by the grace of God for gambling is not an example of good stewardship.

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As you can see, there are loads of reasons why you should refrain from gambling altogether. If you are still not convinced on the topic, better jog your memory on some basic Christian beliefs. We trust that you now have clarity on whether or not it is acceptable for a Christian to gamble.