Going to university may be a bit daunting. You’re probably going to a new city, have to make new friends and get used to a whole new world. You will be responsible for your studies, how you manage your time and how you spend your money.
In this post we’ll share some top tips on how to get into university culture quickly as a Christian, and provide some info on all the nearest Christian Unions.
1. Make New Friends
It might seem scary at first, but you have to go out and make some new friends. Chat with people who has the same classes with you and try to attend a lot of university events.
2. Experience New Things
Be open for experiencing new things along the way. It’s the perfect time to broaden your horizons and discover the new city, church and people. Whether you start as a volunteer or join a team, do it.
3. Don’t Exclude Others
The biggest mistake you can make is sticking with your old friends or just living in a Christian bubble. Try to include a diverse group of friends. This can also be the best opportunity for evangelism.
4. Make Time for Yourself
You’ll be working hard and studying half of the time. It is important that you take time off now and then to take a break. Working and studying too hard can lead to fatigue.
5. Practice Good Time Management
There will be a lot of activities you want to join, and you’ll have to keep up with your studies. The best way to juggle it all is to practice good time management and invest your time where it matters.
6. Make Time for Church
Finally, you have to make some time for church too. Just because you are living on your own or in a hostel doesn’t mean you can neglect your relationship with God. This is crucial in building towards your bright future.
It’s going to be challenging, and exciting. By sticking with these top tips, you’ll get settled in and enjoy university life in no time. Find your closest Christian Union here. Good luck with your first year of university, and have fun!