6 Reasons Why You Should Start Sharing Christ Today

While a lot of Christians live in passivity, we have been commanded to share the gospel and spread the good news of God’s love. It is therefore not a choice, but a necessity to share the gospel. Even though you can still show others by your lifestyle, they still need to be educated on the subject matter.

In this article, we discuss the top six reasons why we, as faithful and devoted Christians, have to share the gospel with others.

1. It Creates a Stronger Bond with God

When we share the word and our devotion to God, we deepen our bond with God. While we tell others about God and his love for humanity, we automatically create a stronger bond with our faith and with God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

women - 6 Reasons Why You Should Start Sharing Christ Today

2. It’s a Sin Not to Share the Gospel

Living in passivity and not telling others about God or sharing the gospel is considered a sin in the eyes of God. We were commanded to spread the word and win more souls to join us in heaven. Failing to do so is seen as a sin in the eyes of God.

3. It is Part of Sharing Love for Our Neighbours

By not sharing our faith with others, we are not sharing our love with them. We were commanded to love and treat our neighbours as we love ourselves. If we don’t want them to join this wonderful life and journey, we are not loving them or acting in the word of God.

4. You Will Learn More About Scriptures

When sharing the word of God with others, you need to be equipped with the right verses and books. To this end, you’ll need to spend a lot of time reading up and doing your homework on the word of God to be fully prepared, which will make you more knowledgeable about the Bible.

pray candle - 6 Reasons Why You Should Start Sharing Christ Today

5. It Strengthens Prayer

In our service as fishermen for God, we will come across many situations where we will bow our heads in prayer together. This automatically strengthens our prayers, as we will be using this magnificent tool often on the journey of sharing the word of God.

6. Hell is a Reality

We are not to condemn others to hell, and by withholding the truth from our brothers and sisters, that is where they will go. If we want to save souls and be true shepherds, we need to share the word and tell them about the realities of hell and what awaits after a life of sin.

As you can see, sharing the gospel and spreading the word of God is an integral part of being a Christian. One cannot simply be a Christian without proclaiming it to others. Here’s a beautiful poem by Ruth Bell Graham for some extra inspiration to share the gospel.